RE: CONFIRMED CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANT. RICK PITTMAN. 3/6/2025 - I am Juanita fields and I certify that I did not make this post and had to create an account just to clarify the fact that I had nothing to do in the creation of this and the only thing Payton Pittman has on any body is a soft dick and hurt feelings yeah his name is Payton not Rick and he is a ***** made *** ***** no with no morals his word aint **** and I wouldnt put anything past him including snitching cause one thing for certain two things for sure is my word holds weight out here cause Im a solid as they come Rick stole from me and used me like no other but I DID not make this only shared it when it got sent to me and he did snitch on a dude named Jeff and a girl named cherie and this I know for a fact because they told me he did now your true business is out there Payton
RE: CONFIRMED CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANT. RICK PITTMAN. 3/2/2025 - Hahaha I am Rick Pittman the person in this picture and have NEVER told on anyone in my life my ex Juanita Fields made this post yesterday because I have actual paperwork on her new man KYLE BUQUOR which I will share with anyone who wantsit email me at rpittman085
RE: CONFIRMED CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANT. RICK PITTMAN. 3/2/2025 - Hahaha I am Rick Pittman the person in this picture and have NEVER told on anyone in my life my ex Juanita Fields made this post yesterday because I have actual paperwork on her new man KYLE BUQUOR which I will share with anyone who wantsit email me at rpittman085