Welcome to Snitch Tracker!

Nobody likes being ratted out! Expose police informants, government witnesses, cop callers, jailhouse rats, and social media snitches before they ruin lives.

Community Contributions

The latest snitches posted by members of the community. The views expressed are their own.

Key Features

Snitch Tracking

Snitch Tracker was founded primarily as a user generated collection of information published by victims of snitching. It includes many things including stories, pictures, and personal information. Registered users take full responsibility for what they publish and Snitch Tracker does all it can to make sure what they say stays published, becomes easily accessible to the general public here as well as elsewhere on the web, and that your identity is kept private.

Famous Snitches

Snitch Tracker aims to entertain by providing our own take on famous snitches.

COVID-19 Snitches

The Coronavirus pandemic led to a snitching epidemic in the United States. We have acquired large sets of government data identifying these snitches, who they told on, and what they said. So far we have been able to add over 10,000 posts to our database giving Snitch Tracker the internet's largest snitch list.

Latest Comments

I am Juanita fields and I certify that I did not make this post and had to create an account just to clarify the fact that I had nothing to do in the creation of this and the only thing Payton Pittman has on any body is a soft dick and hurt feelings yeah his name is Payton not Rick and he is a ***** made *** ***** no with no morals his word aint **** and I wouldnt put anything past him including snitching cause one thing for certain two things for sure is my word holds weight out here cause Im a solid as they come Rick stole from me and used me like no other but I DID not make this only shared it when it got sent to me and he did snitch on a dude named Jeff and a girl named cherie and this I know for a fact because they told me he did now your true business is out there Payton

Hahaha I am Rick Pittman the person in this picture and have NEVER told on anyone in my life my ex Juanita Fields made this post yesterday because I have actual paperwork on her new man KYLE BUQUOR which I will share with anyone who wantsit email me at rpittman085

Hahaha I am Rick Pittman the person in this picture and have NEVER told on anyone in my life my ex Juanita Fields made this post yesterday because I have actual paperwork on her new man KYLE BUQUOR which I will share with anyone who wantsit email me at rpittman085