Alyssa Milano Exposes Herself as a Hypocrite by Calling Cops on Teen

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Actress Alyssa Milano exposed herself as a hypocrite when she called the police on September 20, 2020 to report what she thought was an armed gunman on her property in the gated community of Bell Canyon, California. The "armed gunman" turned out to be a local teen that was shooting at squirrels with an air gun. Milano is best known for her in acting in shows like "Who's the Boss" and "Charmed," but she is also a prominent "defund the police" activist and Black Live Matter supporter. Milano is just the latest anti-police activist to expose herself as a blue backer when it suits her needs.

We previously covered hypocrites within the Antifa movement that openly admit and endorse snitching on their opponents ( and why their members will not do well in prison ( We consider people that protest the police while calling the cops on their opponents or others at the same time to be hypocrites, snitches, and ultimately fake anti-cop activists. Just the other day we found ourselves arguing with people online that supported calling the cops on a pair of drunks that rolled up to an Antifa/BLM protest in a pickup truck, but we did not post anything about it. Alyssa Milano is no different than those people. According to media reports her husband Dave Bugliari was also involved in her phone calls to police. That makes Bugliari a snitch just like his wife.

We previously covered the leader of a group within Portland's Black Lives Matter movement that has a history of working with the Portland Police and Multnomah County District Attorney's Office. Demetria Hester is the leader of Moms United for Black Lives ( which is great, but she also was a key witness who testified against Jeremy Christian. In that case she attacked Christian with mace, Christian tried to walk away, she followed him spraying the mace, and he defended himself by throwing a plastic bottle full of booze at her eye. She claimed he attacked her for being black and the jury found him guilty of assault as a "hate crime." At sentencing Christian said, "I agree with a lot of what she said about the criminal justice system. I don't like it either, but you can't get up here and snitch and talk about the criminal justice system that you're using to prosecute me while you sit there and snitch on me. Ok, that's hypocrisy plain and simple."

We believe that people like Alyssa Milano, Demetria Hester, and the members of Antifa that snitch on their opponents make the anti-cop movement look bad. As we have said before, we support their efforts to defund the police (, but we can never fully support their organizations as long as they let rats stay on their ships. We hope that people stop following Alyssa Milano.

UPDATE: Alyssa Milano Released a statement on Twitter ( in which she blames her neighbor for calling the cops, but she also admits that her husband called 911. As a result of her denial we have added "Who's the Rat?" to the featured image on this page. In her statement she praised the Ventura County Sheriff's deputies that came to her house and said that "These are exactly the type of situations that police officers are trained for and should be responding to, and we will always support police having the resources they need for appropriate policing actions."

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