Lyft Driver Richmond Frost Snitched on Jo Ann Hardesty

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Category: Cop Callers
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Lyft driver Richmond Frost got lost on his way to pick up Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty from a casino in Ridgefield, Washington, refused to roll up the windows when she expressed concern for the cold, and cancelled her ride back on November 1st. Then after she called 911 on him and asked for police assistance ( he called 911 on her. You can listen to both calls in the video below.

Frost can be heard telling the 911 dispatcher that a woman would not get out of his car at the Chevron station near the I-5 bridge exit on Pioneer Street in Ridgefield, but was not exactly sure where he was. He explained that he cancelled the ride and was dropping her off at a gas station where she could order another ride. He said that he needed someone to tell her to get out of his car. The 911 dispatcher told Frost that an officer was on his way. He said that he doubted she was armed, gave her name as Jo Ann, and said she was not violent, but was still refusing to get out of the car.

According to mainstream media sources, police officers arrived at the same time as another Lyft driver. At that point Frost told officers what happened from his perspective. Frost was quoted as saying that he told officers, "It was just a ride that didn't work out. It wasn't going well. I thought it was best to cancel the ride, start over and reset... I didn't see a point in sitting in the vehicle with that kind of tension and upset customer for 35 minutes." He said that Hardesty did not appear intoxicated. Hardesty got into the second Lyft car and went on her way. A 911 dispatcher wrote "Peace restored and involved parties sent their separate ways."

After the incident Frost realized who his passenger was. He told news outlets that Jo Ann Hardesty "was not a pleasant person." He said it was her attitude and behavior that made him want her out of the car, not her political positions. He is now worried that the publicity surrounding the incident will damage his career as a Lyft driver. He has reason to worry since he showed that he cares more about his passengers' manners than getting them to their destinations.

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