Full Un-Redacted List of Over 900 Coronavirus Snitches in Missouri

Rat No. 5439 - 2 Comments
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Category: Cop Callers
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Missouri Coronavirus Snitches Exposed:

Cop Blaster has obtained the full list of over 900 snitches in Missouri that submitted what they thought were anonymous tips to the government accusing people and businesses of violating social distancing orders. The list was originally posted on Facebook by Jared Totsch and when the local news found out about it the story spread like wild fire. Unfortunately, the news being the sissies that they are, they would not include the actual list or links to it in their reports. They interviewed a woman going by the name "Patricia" but agreed to leave out her last name. We believe "Patricia" to be an alias because the only two people whose names are any variant of "Patricia" in the .pdf appear to be white. Cop Blaster went on a hunt for the list. We contacted Totsch to see if he would be nice enough to share it with us, but as of now we have not heard back. Then we noticed that some of the screenshots displayed the name of the .pdf that Totsch uploaded. It was displayed as "RequestedEmails.pdf" in the news story embedded on this page. We did a Google search for "RequestedEmails.pdf" and found one result linking to the front page of a site called 9Chan which contained a copy of the original .pdf that Totsch had uploaded to Facebook.

You can browse our un-redacted copy of the Missouri snitch emails by clicking on the .pdf icon on this page. The .pdf icon is located below the tags to the left of the map on a desktop or just below the tags and above the body of this article on a mobile device. You can also copy the URL https://copblaster.com/uploads/files/missouri-coronavirus-snitches.pdf into your browser. In an effort to make the names more visible to search engines we will be adding to the list below as time permits.

Names named in the COVID-19 snitch email collection will appear below:

We would like to thank Jared Totsch (https://www.facebook.com/jared.totsch) and the people at 9Chan.tw for making this possible. Thanks to them Cop Blaster can provide users with the information they seek without interference from Facebook censors.

Some of these people had Ashley Madison accounts https://copblaster.com/blast/20613/missouri-coronavirus-rats-linked-to-ashley-madison-accounts

The names have been extracted and posted at https://copblaster.com/blast/20611/names-extracted-from-missouris-stay-at-home-snitch-list-in-2020

The phone numbers have been extracted and posted at https://copblaster.com/blast/20612/missouri-stay-at-home-snitch-phone-numbers

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