Women beating dirty *** rat

Rat No. 61373 - 2 Comments
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By: Joe cool
Category: Informants
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Jesse barron is a woman beater drug dealer and gets caught and then snitches on everybody to get out of it he lives in Marshfield and Wisconsin rapids and uses whatever people he can everyone in wood county should watch out for this guy he likes to choke woman and can't fight a man because he is a big pussy all this information is on wcca Wisconsin website

REBEL8869 Says:

If anyone is a snitch it's Tasha swisher and Geoff lamb they start **** and when you go to retaliate they call the police and sat your threatening to take there life

REBEL8869 Says:

Show me the paper work that he's a snitch cause there isn't any out there cause he's never snitched on any one and as for the woman beater he isn't that either this was made by his vindictive baby mother tasha swisher because she was upset he doesn't want her anymore and he moved on to someone better so she is going around spreading lies and making rumors to make her self look good Tasha swisher is going around making fake profiles and her boyfriend Geoff lamb is also making fake profiles and spreading lies and rumors

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