Unicycling tweakers never get busted

Rat No. 61375 - 0 Comments
Posted On:
By: Lilyw
Category: Informants
Current Other Address:
Around Yerington, Raleys parking lot, S Nevada St

Male and female tweakers out there dealing meth on their electric wheels and in plain sight. They move around individually or as a couple. Obvious users- both are emaciated looking- blonde female, male in beanie, sunglasses- 60s but look rough 80s

They never get popped or shook down and yet they're obvious with what they do.

Rather than them getting busted, the ones around them get the heat or jail time. They seem to think they're law enforcement's good buddies.

They spend a lot of time around Raleys parking lot and do deals out in the open where the people they're dealing to are in vehicles, their license plates can be easily seen and turned in.

If you have had any dealings with them and get busted you'll know where to look. Best to avoid them!

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