Kyle Hepler is a SNITCH in Corry and warren pennsylvania

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Category: Informants
Current Home Address:
Northwest Pennsylvania

I travel to steamburg ny from Corry pa almost weekly to get a few ozs to smoke. Been doing this for almost 2 years now. I'm always driving in and around warren pa. Never had ANY issues with cops. I ran into an old high school friend in Corry (home) and he happened to ask me to pick him up a vape on my next trip and gave me money then. I made the trip that day, got the vape and other stuff and made it home no problem. I happen to forget about him and the vape for 2-3 weeks, and made another trip or 2 like normal with no issues. I eventually get ahold of him and give him the vape. The very next trip I made, I pass a cop head on and he instantly pulls a u turn and hits his lights. There was absolutely no reason for this. In the past I have been pulled over for speeding and stuff, i have never been asked to get out of my vehicle. I was asked to step out within 1 minute of talking with Officer Kibbey/Kibble. The whole event felt "off". It bugged me for 2 weeks until I remembered some stuff. Kyle Hepler got busted IN WARREN for trafficking a lot of meth from NY to PA. I also remembered he never got any time, just probation. THEN I remembered Kyle telling me (like a year or 2 ago) to watch out for a cop named kibbey. I called him out on it and he barely denied it. Cherry on top is that I asked for a picture of the 2 gram vape i got him 2 weeks ago and he says he LOST it. No, he gave it to kibbey and that's why I got pulled over the next time I was in warren. I lost over 800$ in value and two .999 solid silver bullets (.357 and 20-30) BECAUSE THE COPS THOUGHT THEY ARE WIEGHTS FOR SCALES. They were in a bag with silver coins. Still haven't gotten my BULLETS back from the cops. I'd assume an officer would recognize a bullet, or at least be able to read.

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