South Bay Snitch in WhOregon

Rat No. 59206 - 1 Comment
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Category: Informants
Current Office Address:
18380 NW Cornell Rd #D
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uploads/files/View Profile Kisseyliz - TNABoard-2.pdf:

Kerri Anderson is a Confidential Informant who rolled on her ex boyfriend who is doing federal time as well as some dirty cops and a foreign crime ring of Armenian decent. She was involved with a chop shop in San Jose and gave up her peers to avoid doing time. This girl is doing everyone she knows dirty so its time to expose the ****** ** **** she does to people all the while dealing drugs and selling her body under CI protection in Beaverton. Seems like shes not the only one there that tells on people. She has several acquaintances that also have gave up people to avoid prosecution. Its a small town of ****** individuals and they should not be able to just get away with all the crimes they commit so easily. She can be reached at 669-242-0778 or on her escort page at 503-563-0625

1297 Goerig Road Woodland Wa, 98674

Is a hideout she uses to sell fake drugs to people with some bisexual idiot named Adam.

She's a gangstalker for sure. I mean no evidence but the idea she can do the stuff she does and get away with it yeah!

I wonder if the cops in her local sell kiddy porn they take pics of with their DEW weapons and surveillance technology they use?? they watch kids dress and undress with their stuff then sell to pedos that I know of or have evidence of.

My Neighbor got out of jail after just a couple of weeks to come and get some of his stuff. He went nuts and had a stolen AR-15 shot at least once I heard and maybe two or three times. But I mean stolen AR-15 plus the yelling and shooting and threatening people not me for he's the one who played his damn music so loud. But I'd not be able to get out like that unless I was a gangstlker.

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