Snitch *** junkie Rat

Rat No. 61416 - 1 Comment
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Category: Informants
Current Home Address:
Reno, Nevada *****

In October 2024 Lauren Ayala was arrested in Reno Nevada for 2 counts of felony Burglary, possesion of burglery tools, Possesion of Meth over an ounce, Possesion of a stolen vehicle, and felony violation of parol... She was placed in Washo County Jail and held without a bond..Shortly after being booked in she was placed in a detox room because she was withdrawing from Shooting up Meth and smoking fetnayl.. At approximatly 2 A.M deputies were heard by her cell mate that Reno Task Force wanted to talk to her. She was taken to an interview room and did not return till 4:20 A.M ater only serving 3 days in custudy the junkie was released from jail. May i remind you she was released on an unbondable charge. Numerious associates of the ***** were arrested for multiple felonies for charges that in every case she was present for. John Velardi was one of her victoms.. 5 weeks after being back on the streets she returned to Washo County Jail to serve 5 days for her 6 class B felony charges. Let me remind you she was a Parol Violater with 6 years remaining on her parol. On any felony violation you recieve well being on parol it is a manditory requirment that you return to Carson City Prison to go in front of the State Parol Revocation Board to determin if you will be Revoked and sent back to Prison. She has a Confidental Informate Number that is printed as 86-3294 on every person she set up well being out for those 5 weeks.. She is wanted by numerous drug dealers around Reno for ****** them till they pass out or trust her nasty *** then robbing them for their supply.. She was pregnant well still shooting up and smoking fetnayl so had the baby at 5 and a half months the baby weighed 1 pound and lives in an incabator in the hospital with tubes all in it.. So you tell me make this make sence

Her good friend amanda lee is also a known snitch.

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