Rat No. 61409 - 0 Comments
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By: babyk9819
Category: Informants
Current Home Address:

have a video of him explaining how he will go and meet up with officers to get a phone and money and he will then proceed to buy drugs from someone and record it and bring the drugs and phone back.. he does controlled buys and is a snitch. he stays in Midwest city oklahoma

have a video of him explaining how he will go and meet up with officers to get a phone and money and he will then proceed to buy drugs from someone and record it and bring the drugs and phone back.. he does controlled buys and is a snitch. he stays in Midwest city oklahoma

have a video of him explaining how he will go and meet up with officers to get a phone and money and he will then proceed to buy drugs from someone and record it and bring the drugs and phone back.. he does controlled buys and is a snitch. he stays in Midwest city oklahoma

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