Confidential Informant works for Clinton County Pennsylvania

Rat No. 59288 - 0 Comments
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Category: Informants
Current Home Address:
664 east water street

Jeremy Smith is a confidential informant and so is his wife Tracy Smith a.k.a. Tracy Yost you can tell by all of his felony counts he dead you count I manufacture methamphetamine and sort of an undercover cop five counts of conspiracy and communication inside The Facility case was closed and sentenced to 60 months upstate dude only does a total of 20 days maximum now hesFacility case was closed and sentenced to 60 months upstate dude only does a total of 20 days maximum now hes trying to kidnap my son through the court system court system dont give a **** Because they have special privileges Immy Baby mama got pushed up against the wall Buy this man and threatened her life with text messages to prove it in the courts aint doingBuy this man and threatened her life with text messages to prove it in the courts aint doing oh and he also acted like he was related to us to get a warrant approved after 10 attempts of failure How does a person thathow does a person thats a stranger get a warrant by the judge and get sentenced to 60 months upstate and the case is closed after a total of four months and hes a refill over 30 Different Court cases on this old manIm pretty sure he got ran out of Texas because he was in an informant and now hes making a new home up here in a small town none of his cases are making sense like arrangements made summer not specified closed After 20 days when he was sentenced to 60 months out on bail and it doesnt sayafter 20 days when he was sentenced to 16 months out on bail and it doesnt say probationI think he was responsible for the 28th person drug bust in lockhaven Pennsylvania but they made them look like one of the 28 people and a drug bust thats how I think he was responsible for the 28 person drug bust in lockhaven Pennsylvania but they made him look like one of the 28 people and a drug bust thats how they do it spam it his email let him know you know

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