Over 140 Pages of COVID-19 Snitches From Washington

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Washington Coronavirus Snitches:

About 24 hours after we submitted a FOIA request to the state of Washington for any and all information submitted to them via their Coronavirus snitching form, a group called We The Governed scooped us by posting a PDF of snitch data that they got the same way. We of course have a copy of this PDF and are uploading it with this report. You can view the whole thing by clicking to PDF icon above this block of text.

We will add a link to it to our Coronavirus section at https://copblaster.com/coronavirus/ once our admin finishes fixing his computer.

UPDATE: We now have a copy of the original Excel file which you can download at http://copblaster.com/uploads/files/Washington-Coronavirus-Snitches.xlsx. A special thanks to Glen Morgan from WeTheGoverned.com for personally emailing it to us.

StayHome Says:

A bunch of these people had Ashley Madison accounts https://copblaster.com/blast/20614/washington-stay-at-home-snitches-with-ashley-madison-accounts

This page has been updated to include a link to http://copblaster.com/uploads/files/Washington-Coronavirus-Snitches.xlsx where you can download the original Washington stay at home snitch list in Excel format.

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