JOSH CUELLAR LILJAYHARDEN Lil jay harden Rat No. 49919 - 1 Comment Posted On: Sunday, November 20, 2022 By: Houstone713 Category: Informants Current Home Address: CENSORED! Houston, Texas ***** Tags: informant, snitch, Cimarron, east side, Houston, rat, snitch, Called FBI and had my house raided, also told DPS I was going to kill him. Hehebdbxuzjsnsjsusbzhsusbzuzbzhzhsh Previous:Meda Kincaid informant: prostitute Next:MARK SALDIERNA RV TRAVELLING RAT COLLECTING $$ FROM HACKING Vermontgreenie Says: 12/29/2022 - He did call the police on me, and 2 of his hired help are witnesses in my case. He hacks phones and calls the cops. Then act like you are the snitch. He called the police on himself so he could steal drugs from the higher ups and claimed it got seized. He stole kilos from literally calling the police on himself, think about that for 5 seconds. Login to Comment using a Snitch Tracker Account. User Name: The user name field is required. Password: The password field is required. Remember me? Register if you don't have a Snitch Tracker account.
JOSH CUELLAR LILJAYHARDEN Lil jay harden Rat No. 49919 - 1 Comment Posted On: Sunday, November 20, 2022 By: Houstone713 Category: Informants Current Home Address: CENSORED! Houston, Texas ***** Tags: informant, snitch, Cimarron, east side, Houston, rat, snitch, Called FBI and had my house raided, also told DPS I was going to kill him. Hehebdbxuzjsnsjsusbzhsusbzuzbzhzhsh
Vermontgreenie Says: 12/29/2022 - He did call the police on me, and 2 of his hired help are witnesses in my case. He hacks phones and calls the cops. Then act like you are the snitch. He called the police on himself so he could steal drugs from the higher ups and claimed it got seized. He stole kilos from literally calling the police on himself, think about that for 5 seconds.