Craig Harlan Jones: drug addict snitch rapist pedophile!!!

Rat No. 35539 - 2 Comments
Posted On:
By: RvD8422
Category: Informants
Current Home Address:
131 Lee st.

Name: Craig Harlan Jones

Age: mid-late 50s.

Drugs of choice: Meth, Herion, Pills

Crimes: 20+ years- CONFIDENTIAL INFORMAT, Wire to law enforcement, buyer and dealer in busts, just an overall rat, known rapist/pedifile, 100% coward, he works with all types of law enforcement agencies and makes calls to them daily for cash payment.

Him and his buddies go around preying on girls age 14-30 get them alone and shoot them up with herion and do this for days at a time till there hooked and sick and feel trapped and helpless. He makes it out online he takes care of them with money when facts are he has none. Wife of nearly 20 years divorced him recently due to his obsession with theses younger girls and his drug addiction.

Craig is known to be in Springville alabama, Argo alabama, Scottsboro alabama, or around jefferson co Birmingham areas. Theses are areas he often busts guys for law enforcement and snag young girls too.

We received a series of complaints from someone claiming to be Harlan Jones. At first we were leaning towards giving the author of this post 48 hours to back up his claims or the post would be deleted, but then the person said the following:

"U be hearing from my lawyer thats the answer you getting and we will see what happens then The authorities has already been here and made a report of this as well well see what we take it down and take it down today" - harlancraigjones[at]

The statement "The authorities has already been here and made a report" indicates that the author of that email is a snitch. If this email really is from Jones then it substantiates the accusation that he is a snitch. We cannot vouch for the other accusations.

Do you have any evidence to support these accusations?

Calling someone a pedophile is serious, so if you have any paperwork to that effect please upload it via your account manager.

Same goes for the other allegations, please submit some paperwork to back it up if you have any.

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