Watch out for her collecting information...

Rat No. 25911 - 4 Comments
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Category: Cop Callers
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Her name is Diana Hobbs. At least that's what she wants you to think. She is a low-life mom who enjoys stealing people's mail in digging through their garbage hoping to find some collectibles. She has been non-stop messaging me on different numbers telling me about how she is called the local authorities and numerous businesses about some made-up nonsense. Remind is dangerous, watch out.

Vinny Says:

HonestOne9137 you might be right or wrong. However you are definitely snitching in the above comment.

Diana does not and has never had any children however Williams HAD an infant son that got taken by COS due to abuse and neglect. He belongs in prison

This is completely false. This post was made by a man named Williams who lives in Blaine and makes counterfeit identification, prints counterfeit business checks, and commits identity theft and uses the checks he prints at home to buy merchandise at stores like fleet farm, Menards, kohls, anywhere that accepts business checks and steals money from peoples bank account numbers he finds on checks that he digs thru the garbage to get.

He 100% is a full time criminal, a terrible father whos baby had severe diaper rash from not having their diaper changed for long periods of time and had to be hospitalized for an infection from the severe diaper rash because hes too busy gambling and smoking meth to take care of his child.

Diana Hobbs has no children and Williams was making counterfeit

Bringing kids into stupid drama is a crime in itself. Have some sort of class, low level is better than trash.

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