Michael Powers Snitched on Champagne Reflections in Monroe, WA 98272

Rat No. 25135 - 0 Comments
Posted On:
By: StayHome
Category: Cop Callers
Last Known Other Address:
13443 Forest View Ave. SE
Washington Data Dump File 2:

"This company endangered the lives of my family members by illegally performing service INSIDE the home of my high-risk family members without face coverings or other adequate protection and in violation of the law during a pandemic!!! Please protect the community by fining and stopping them before they kill us all. Greedy fools who call themselves christians. Their god won't protect them from the multimillion dollar law suit if my high risk family members get sick or die." - Michael Powers

The aforementioned complaint was filed by Michael Powers in Monroe, WA 98272, Washington on Wednesday May 13, 2020 with No Agency against Champagne Reflections saying, Business function performed that is non-essential. Email address given was mpowers@buycoffee.com and phone number given was 425-259-8054.

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