Someone Told on Valley Cities Counseling in Federal Way

Rat No. 24742 - 0 Comments
Posted On:
By: StayHome
Category: Cop Callers
Last Known Other Address:
33405 8th Ave South, Suite 200
Washington Data Dump File 2:

"The CEO of Valley Cities has indicated to senior leadership and management that administrative staff should be coming in. The CEO, Shekh Ali, has stated that since he comes in every day to the office, that the administrative staff should be coming to the office as often as possible. Due to this, there is now increased risk and vulnerability to staff who could work entirely from home. Staff have access to laptops and remote devices that would allow for work to be done remotely. Additionally, many staff are traveling between other clinic sites where patients and clients are being seen, and could be potential carriers to other colleagues." - Anonymous

The aforementioned complaint was filed in Federal Way, Washington on Monday May 11, 2020 with L&I DOSH Nathan Kresse against Valley Cities Counseling saying, Business function performed that is non-essential. No email address was given and no phone number was given.

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