Someone Told on Dr. Nancy Becker Ear Nose And Throat in enumclaw

Rat No. 24672 - 0 Comments
Posted On:
By: StayHome
Category: Cop Callers
Last Known Other Address:
1427 Jefferson Ave #101
Washington Data Dump File 2:

"Not practicing social distancing, doing allergy testing in very close quarters of the patients, inside facility smelling like Pinesol, and doesn't like like their staff is wearing proper gear like gowns or goggles. I am not sure about the cloth masks being safe enough." - Anonymous

The aforementioned complaint was filed in enumclaw, Washington on Sunday May 10, 2020 with DOH against Dr. Nancy Becker Ear Nose And Throat saying, Essential business not following social distancing requirements. No email address was given and no phone number was given.

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