Stacy Hensley Snitched on Holy Cross Cathoilic Church in Lake Stevens

Rat No. 24246 - 0 Comments
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By: StayHome
Category: Cop Callers
Last Known Other Address:
6915 State Route 92
Washington Data Dump File 2:

"Fr. Jay DeFolco 360-691-AMENI have been made aware that as early as the week after Easter Fr Jay has been making house calls to parishioners and personally inviting them to come to his church to receive communion even though the Archdiocese and the Pope himself have spoken out against gathering as set forth by Governor Inslee's Stay At Home order. His actions likened to bullying of elderly (over the ages of 90) who believe if a priest asks you to do it, you MUST! have been experienced and relayed to me by concerned family members who took the time to call and speak with this priest begging him to recant his invitation to those who are of extreme high risk of covid19 resulting in him personally contacting his elderly parishioners and tattling on their concerned family members (those who have been working tirelessly to keep them safe) thus creating a rift that has now kept these elderly at risk people from accepting help from their family putting them even more at risk. Jokes from this churches social media tell of a non-belief that this pandemic should be taken seriously at all and a phone call to the church asking about covid19 protocol confirmed that maybe possibly the priest might wash his hands between offering holy communion (they were not at all convincing) but he most definitely would not wear a mask even though he is in hand to face contact with them. I am weary to report as I feel it will cause an even larger rift in this family but I am more concerned with the health of those he is bullying, the elderly community they live in, and all additional parishioners he is bullying into breaking the law who have no one to speak on their behalf. This disgusts me beyond words and just to be clear I may not be Catholic but I hold the Catholic Church in high regard and am a practicing member of my church so this is not in any way an anti christian attack. The reprehensible actions of this man make us all look bad. It is disgusting, criminal, and completely unacceptable. I do worry about continued repercussions due to my reporting so if this could be handled delicately with regard to the elderly parishioners being bullied, I would much appreciate it." - Stacy Hensley

The aforementioned complaint was filed by Stacy Hensley in Lake Stevens, Washington on Friday May 8, 2020 with No Agency against Holy Cross Cathoilic Church saying, Essential business not following social distancing requirements. Email address given was and phone number given was 206/721-9663.

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