
Thank you for your interest in Before you contact us please see if the following information answers any of your questions.

Coronavirus Snitches

Are you contacting us about a post created under the username StayHome?. If so, please see our article about the Coronavirus Snitches Data Dump.

Decertification Index

Are you contacting us about a page with /cop/ or /decertified/ in the URL? If so, please see this article explaining the National Decertification Index.

Everything Else

If you are not contacting us about the Coronavirus Snitch List or the Decertification Database then you are most likely contacting us about user or admin generated content.

User Generated Content (UGC) provides a platform for users to publish their own stories about police, prosecutors, judges, corrections, snitches, and other topics. does not vouch for UGC and therfore is not responsible for its accuracy. If you have a complaint or question about UGC please contact the author of that content directly via their profile. See our abuse policy and disclaimers for more information.

Admin Generated Content posts content including original articles and comments under the username Such posts are typically based on current events with cited sources. To learn more about admin generated content read our disclaimers.

Media Inquiries

If you are a member of the media we would like to hear from you. Please contact us via the form below with verifiable contact information and we will get in touch with you shortly. You can also contact us via Twitter or Facebook.

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