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You and your sister have nasty pussy! You **** whoever you need to for a ride and a hit! Get real!

And you are a snitch ***** dont lie!!!!

Dirty *** *****!

You mean to tell me you and Kelvin Larson werent talking or working with the same cop when **** went down at gascoignes!!

Keep using that **** I've been waiting for you to take too much you dumb *****!

You and your sister have nasty pussy! You **** whoever you need to for a ride and a hit! Get real!

And you are a snitch ***** dont lie!!!!

Dirty *** *****!

You mean to tell me you and Kelvin Larson werent talking or working with the same cop when **** went down at gascoignes!!

Keep using that **** I've been waiting for you to take too much you dumb *****!